Home For Foreign Nurses

For Foreign Nurses

Foreign citizens, coming from both EU and non-EU countries, who have attained their qualification abroad, can practice the nursing profession in Italy only after registering with an OPI, in compliance with the law in force.

EU Citizens*

The first step is to apply the Italian Ministry of Health to have your professional qualification recognized. Once your qualification has been rated as equivalent by decree, you have to contact the competent provincial OPI since before registering, you must take an examination to ascertain your knowledge of the Italian language.

Enrolment in the Register is compulsory for nursing practice.

* Law 18/12/1980, n. 905, on the Right of establishment and freedom to provide services for nurses who are citizens of the European Economic Community Member States, modified by the Legislative Decree 8/7/2003, n. 277, and the Leg. Decree 9/11/2007, n. 206, on the implementation of the Directive 2005/36/EC on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications, as well as the Directive 2006/100/EC that conforms with specific directives on the freedom of movement of people following the inclusion of Bulgaria and Romania.

Non-EU Citizens **

The first step is to apply the Italian Ministry of Health to have your professional qualification recognized. Once your qualification has been rated as equivalent by decree, you have to contact the competent provincial OPI since before registering, you must take an examination to ascertain your knowledge of the Italian language and special provisions ruling nursing practice in Italy. The Italian Ministry of Health may decide that the recognition of your professional qualification is subject to the completion of a compensation measure to be carried out in a university school of nursing.

The decree loses its effect if the applicant does not register within two years from the date of its issue.

 Enrolment in the Register is compulsory for nursing practice.

** Legislative Decree 25/7/1998, n. 286, on the Consolidated Act of provisions concerning the discipline of immigration and rules on the conditions of the foreigner and subsequent Presidential Decree 31/8/1999, n. 394, Regulation stating the rules for the implementation of the Consolidated Act of the provisions regarding the immigration discipline and rules on  the conditions of the foreigner, in compliance with Article 1, paragraph 6, of the Legislative Decree 25/7/1998, n. 286.

Italian citizens with a professional qualification attained in a foreign country***

The first step is to apply the Italian Ministry of Health to have your professional qualification recognized. Once your qualification has been rated as equivalent by decree, you have to contact the competent provincial OPI and apply for registration.

Enrolment in the Register is compulsory for nursing practice.

*** Legislative Decree 9/11/2007, n. 206, on the implementation of the Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications, as well as the Directive 2006/100/EC that conforms with specific directives on the freedom of movement of people following the inclusion of Bulgaria and Romania.

Italian citizens wishing to practice nursing abroad have to contact the respective competent authorities of the hosting country in order to have specific information on the conditions required. If required, the Ministry of Health will issue a ‘Certificate of Good Standing’.