The Provincial Orders are non-economic organizations, which act as subsidiary bodies of the State, established and regulated by specific laws (Law 29 October 1954, n. 1049, Dlcps 233/46 as amended by Law 11/1/2018 n. 3, and Dpr 221/50).
The Provincial Orders, in accordance with Law 3/2018, inter alia
- promote and ensure the independence, autonomy and responsibility of the professions and professional practice, the technical-professional quality, the enhancement of the social function, the protection of human rights and the ethical principles of professional practice indicated in the respective codes of conduct, in order to ensure the protection of individual and collective health; they do not perform trade union representation roles;
- verify the possession of qualifications enabling professional practice and take care of the maintenance, including computerized, and publicity, including telematic, of the registers of professionals and, where required by legislation, specific lists;
- supervise the members of the registers, in whatever legal form they carry out their professional activity
- provide for the administration of the assets due to the Order and the Board of Directors proposes to the approval of the Assembly of the members the budget, the final balance and the annual fee, necessary to cover the operating expenses, as well as the fee for the issue of advice for the payment of the honoraria.
In Italy there are 102 Orders of Nursing Professions: the first, as Colleges, were established in 1954 (law 29 October 1954, n. 1049), the “youngest” are those of Fermo, Carbonia-Iglesias established in 2011.
Are organs of the Order:
- the President
- the Board of Directors
- The Commissions of the registers
- The Board of Auditors.
The governing body of the Order is the Board of Directors, which, like the other bodies, is renewed every four years through an electoral consultation of all members. According to the recent Law 3/2018, the members of the Board (which will generally be renewed in 2020) vary from 7 components if the number of registered members does not exceed 500, to 9 components if the number of registered members exceeds 500 but not 1500, until 15 components if the number of registered members exceeds 1,500.
Each Board distributes among its members the offices of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. The President is the representative of the Provincial Order and is a member by right of the National Council.